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Thursday, February 05, 2015

How to make Multifox tab - 1

How to make Multifox tab - 1

If you want to get appointment date, you have to arrange minimum 3-4 tab for 1 temp or bgdd.

So you will have to learn How to make Multi tab or many tab in 1 browser. Now you arrange many tab in 1 browser.

First, you have to install some addons on Mozilla or Comodo IceDragon or Palemoon Browser. Click for Latest Browser Download.

1) autofill forms 1.0.2 

2) firebug 1.12.8 

3) multifox 2.0.7 (click more, and click off to update) 

4) just disable stuff 1.1 

5) show selected images 0.17 (click option, and tick always show reload menu item on no-broken images box)

Now go to your browser..

Right button click on blue background of your browser, then click Menu Bar. Now will be show menu item.

Click Tools > then click Add-ons

Now will see this page.

Now write autofill forms 1.0.2 in search box in of right side in browser.

Now will show AutoFill Form 1.0.2 version, then click install in right side.

Now see install has done But click not now in Restart now button

Now go again in search box and write firebug 1.12.8 and enter, then install

Now go to google for install multifox...

write multifox all version of firefox in search box, then will show this page and click 1st link Multifox-All Versions.

Now find Multifox 2.0.7 and click.

Click Allow

Click Install Now

then click Extensions in left side of page and click more of Multifox

Now click off button of Multifox, then go to search box above.

write just disable stuff 1.1 in search box and enter

Now write show selected images 0.17 and install

Now Click Restart now button.

again go Extensions > Show Selected Images 0.17 > click Option

Tick Always show reload menu item on no-broken images and ok.


Now will tech how to work autofill forms 1.0.2 add-ons

 Go to Indian visa page, type your application any page or re-print page for save your information for longtime, like

Now write your information, then put your mouse and click right button, click Add complete form as profile...., Now will be save your information.

Then Click OK.

you can see your saved information what are you saved. click that icon > Profile Switcher > Now will see your saved link. all information are saved in this link what have you typed in application form.

Now go to Reprint Registered Application page and put your mouse in any box, then hold long-press ALT button of keyboard and press J button.

Then you will see your saved information what are you typed before.

Now just change mission name: Select Office, then again select Mission name: Bangladesh-Dhaka,

Now you will see Get Appointment Button. Then type Access code and click Get Appointment Button when date will publish. (you can see when time date will publish in this web site)

Now will tech how to work firebug 1.12.8 add-ons.

To learn How to work firebug to click this LINK....

Now will tech how to work multifox 2.0.7 add-ons


Click this Icon of right side like in below page, Then Click New,

Now will show new window. You have to type new bgdd no. or any saved bgdd no. what are your saved by Autofill forms, then you will show new link in Profile switch of Autofill forms Addons.


If you change Access code, so click circle icon of right side of access code box (it help by show selected images 0.17)


just disable stuff 1.1  system will be teach in next lesson... How to make Multifox tab - 3

My More Lesson:

How to fill up application form of Indian visa.

How to get a date of Indian visa.

How to Make Temp File.

How to get date with Temporary file.

How to make Multifox tab - 1.

How to make Multifox tab - 2.

How to create opera profile creator.

How to get date use iMacros software.

How to solve session expire.



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